Tag Archives: evolution

On Vampires & Weird Creatures – with Ronald Murphy (part 1 of 2)

The vampire figure represents FAR more than what we have seen in the cinema -- it has profoundly influenced the cultural history of civilizations for thousands of years.

Does the ancestral memory of man still hold remnants of yesteryear’s bogeymen? Taking a page from the works of psychiatrist Carl Jung, many researchers believe that cryptids and accounts of seemingly impossible creatures are not beyond the realm of reality: they auditioned for, but never quite got the part in a movie known as evolution.

Today we speak with cryptozoologist Ronald Murphy, author of the new book: “On Vampires”. As you will soon learn, the “vampire” figure represents FAR more than what we have seen in the cinema — it has profoundly influenced the cultural history of civilizations for thousands of years.

A fortunate confluence of environment (Ron is a native of western PA — home to legends such as Bigfoot) and natural curiosity jump started Ron’s worldwide trek in search of the “‘other’: creatures of the periphery, who haunt the liminal regions of our civilized world “.


Links to our guest ~

Ronald Murphy Website

Ronald Murphy Facebook Page

Books Authored by Ronald Murphy (including new book, “On Vampires”)




UPP 22: Our Universe – Mysterious Anomaly Or God’s Signature?

The Unnormal Paranormal Podcast interviews Robert Sungenis, executive director of The Principle, who will be discussing a geocentric model of the universe
The Principle

We interview Robert Sungenis, executive producer of the 2014 film, The Principle. The Principle is a controversial, narrative-based film which questions the validity of the dominant model of the cosmos: one where the earth revolves around the sun and our planet is neither centrally located with the universe nor divinely inspired . Narrated by Kate Mulgrew, of Star Trek: Voyager fame, the film features interviews with several high profile theoretical scientists: Michio Kaku, Lawrence Krauss, Max Tegmark et al.

Robert Sungenis, citing data and imagery gathered from NASA’s Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP), argues for a geocentric model of the universe – an order of the cosmos where Earth is at the orbital center of all celestial bodies.

The Principle has animated a sizable community of scientists and skeptics, determined to advocate against what they view as the films’ reactionary attack on modern scientific thought and understanding.

Movie Links and User-Friendly Websites Explaining Technical Details:

The Principle movie website:

A quick primer on the geocentric versus heliocentric models of our solar system from the website Universe Today:



WMAP “Axis of Evil” Probe:


Picture of the earth’s orbit versus what is referred to as its ecliptic: