Tag Archives: US History

“The United States of Paranoia” — Our Beliefs and Fears (Part 1 of 2)

Conspiracy Theories are a reflection of society's cultural anxieties.


Just as we attach meaning and emotions to paintings, so it is with our recollections and understanding of human events …. our guest today, Jesse Walker, author of the highly regarded book on conspiracy theories, “The United States of Paranoia”, will be walking us through accounts of conspiracy theories, past and present. For those of you who remember history class as a dour litany of dates and names, fear not … history comes alive when seen through the prism of human emotions … including paranoia … sometimes ridiculous and sometimes …. NOT!

Links to Jesse Walker ~

Preview “The United States of Paranoia” on Amazon Books

Jesse Walker on YouTube


Military Psychological Operations — Influencing the Enemy

Retired Sergeant Major Herb Friedman discusses historical roles of PSYOP operations with The Unnormal Paranormal Podcast

Retired Sergeant Major Herb Friedman discusses the history, role and recent developments in military psychological operations. PSYOP campaigns are designed to influence the emotions of governments, organizations, enemy combatants and individuals.

Herb Friedman is a trusted consultant to movie makers and authors worldwide on the delicate and mysterious subject of military Psychological Operations (PSYOP). Psychological warfare has been around since the days of Troy . Herb provides answers to: “What is a PSYOP?” “Where have they been used?” “Do they work?” Herb is the American representative to  the international Psychological Warfare Society. This should be one intriguing interview!

Links to Herb Friedman ~

Psywarrior Website


Operation Lost Soul Website

Official Bio Website