UFOs & Extraterrestrials

Exposing the truth of human-alien interaction and interplanetary travel, Kasten reveals not only that the Ebens have returned to Earth eight times but also that our government continues to have an ongoing relationship with them–a relationship with the potential to advance the human race into the future

Chronicling the history of the Reptilian Empire’s influence on Earth and their conquest of 21 star systems, Kasten reveals how the human race is enmeshed in a skillfully concealed plot to enslave humanity and exploit our planet’s physical and biological resources. 

 The author presents the connections between his father’s military service, Operation Paperclip scientists and CIA mind control programs. Was there a classified underground facility serving a secret USAF manned space program in the 1950s? 

A podcast for paranormal enthusiasts interested in mysteries, ghost hunting and all things unexplained …